Tuesday, April 12
3:20-3:40 PM

Benefits of Asynchronous Tutoring in Online Writing Centers

Best Practices (F2F) ID: 60963
  1. Stephanie Dekok
    Arkansas State University
  2. Thillainatarajan Sivakumaran
    Arkansas State University

Abstract: Not much research has been conducted on the benefit of having asynchronous options for online tutoring for students. Some instructors have hesitations for their students using the asynchronous method because they are afraid students might receive edits rather than feedback. Students also may have hesitation utilizing the center because they are concerned that tutors may move through the paper quicker than if they were discussing the options with them. Alternatively, students may only use the asynchronous option because they think the tutor will return the writing piece with edits. While these issues are important to discuss, our center has navigated these issues and found ways to ease our students’ minds. This paper will share the experiences of Arkansas State University regarding the benefits and solutions of asynchronous tutoring for online students. The following research questions will be addressed in this presentation: 1.What are the general rules and feedback opportunities regarding asynchronous tutoring by tutors and administration? 2.What are the issues presented by students while utilizing asynchronous tutoring? 3.What are the Online Writing Center’s solutions to said issues regarding asynchronous tutoring? 4.What do students see as the benefits of utilizing asynchronous tutoring?

No presider for this session.


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