Share Paper: AMTE's 2021 NTLI Fellowship: Using a Framework to Teach Preservice Mathematics Teachers How to Professionally Notice within Technology-Mediated Learning Environments

  1. Nina Bailey, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, United States
  2. Demet Yalman Ozen, Middle Tennessee State University, United States
  3. Allison McCulloch, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, United States
  4. Lara Dick, Bucknell University, United States
  5. Jennifer Lovett, Middle Tennessee State University, United States
  6. Charity Cayton, East Carolina University, United States
Wednesday, March 31 1:45 PM-2:05 PM Room 4

Abstract: Professional noticing of students’ mathematical thinking in a technology-mediated learning environment is a complex, but incredibly important skill for preservice secondary mathematics teachers to develop. The purpose of this study is to examine how explicitly sharing a framework for professional noticing of students’ mathematical thinking in technology-mediated learning environments and providing opportunities for practice influence pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ engagement with professional noticing in technology-mediated environments. A pre- and post- video-based assessment was used to examine changes in PSMTs’ professional noticing as a result of engaging with the framework. The results of this study suggest that using this framework to ...