Tuesday, March 19
1:45 PM-2:45 PM
Celebrity Ballroom 3

How can we improve and develop our team teaching in higher education? An invitation to create and join an international network of practitioners.

Roundtable ID: 54414
  1. aaa
    Nigel Quirke-Bolt
    Mary Immaculate College (http://www.mic.ul.ie/)
  2. aaa
    Molly Daly
    Mary Immaculate College (http://www.mic.ul.ie/)

Abstract: The aim of this roundtable discussion is to identify good practice that could be used to enhance team teaching on initial teacher education programmes. Reference is made to a research study carried out by the authors that introduced a model of team teaching to a group of student-teachers in their second year of a four-year concurrent initial teacher education course, studying a compulsory education module. This introductory study revealed a number of findings that have prompted the authors to examine in greater detail this teaching approach. It is hoped that the resulting discussions from this roundtable will lead to developments in practice and encourage international collaborative communication and research opportunities, by creating a team of educators, to address the issues, practices and solutions that arise in providing effective team teaching environments.

No presider for this session.


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