Wednesday, March 8
2:45 PM-3:05 PM
Capitol B

Civic Engineering: A Conceptual Framework for Civics Education in the 21st century

Brief Paper ID: 50994
  1. aaa
    Thomas Hammond
    Lehigh University
  2. aaa
    Sarah Stanlick
    Lehigh University

Abstract: Civic Engineering: An enduring struggle in social studies education is breadth versus depth. A coverage-driven approach to the curriculum lends itself to superficiality; a more in-depth curriculum curriculum risks failing to cover the required curricular content. In the area of civics education, resolving this tension is a high-stakes exercise: civics education is more vital than ever and yet faces many challenges. Currently, students receive a fractured, diffuse civics curriculum that is often devoid of decision-making and action. To address this issue, we propose a framework for civics education that is action- and decision-oriented, applicable across all levels of the K-12 curriculum, and appeals to the STEM or technocratic emphasis that many school districts and policy makers have embraced. We follow the discussion of this framework with three examples of its use, at the conceptual level, in a classroom setting, and an on-going example in a teacher education setting

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