Wednesday, March 8
1:45 PM-2:45 PM
Capitol G

Committee of N: A Design-Based Game for Teaching Education History and Policy

Best Practices ID: 50239
  1. Jason Haas
  2. Justin Reich

Abstract: Committee of N is a collaborative, design-based card game where players create new kinds of schools based on design constraints implemented through random card draws. In the core game play, players are randomly assigned educational values (e.g. belief in multiple intelligences or achievement on high-stakes tests) from a deck of cards along with a specific school element (e.g. bell schedule, graduation requirements, etc), and they then creatively design the element to reflect their defined values. Pre-service teachers shift from an assumption that school elements are fixed and immutable towards an understanding that each part of today’s school were constructed by people in the past with a set of values, and those values can be renegotiated as schools evolve.

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