Tuesday, March 22
10:45 AM-11:15 AM

Evaluation and Approval Constructs For K-12 Online and Blended Courses and Providers

Full Paper ID: 48107
  1. aaa
    Michael Barbour
    Sacred Heart University
  2. Tom Clark
    Clark Consulting

Abstract: Public Act 60 (2013) of the Michigan Legislature tasked Michigan Virtual University, through its Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute, to “research, develop, and recommend annually to the department criteria by which cyber schools and online course providers should be monitored and evaluated to ensure a quality education for their pupils.” This study provides an overview of existing models of cyber and online evaluation, both of which serve to inform the forthcoming recommendations. In this study, the authors review existing literature related to the evaluation of cyber schools, online, and blended providers, and identify ?ve constructs for course and provider evaluation and approval.

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