Tuesday, March 26
11:30 AM-12:30 PM
Bayside C

Breaking Disciplinary Boundaries in 21st Century Learning: Creative Teaching with Digital Technologies: Part 2

Invited Symposium ID: 39746
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    Punya Mishra
    Michigan State University
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    Chris Fahnoe
    Michigan State University
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    Danah Henriksen
    Michigan State University
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    Kristen Kereluik
    Michigan State University
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    Mike DeSchryver
    Michigan State University
  6. Sean Leahy
    Michigan State University
  7. Laura Terry
    Michigan State University
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    Leigh Graves Wolf
    Michigan State University

Abstract: This symposium addresses issues of creativity in the 21st century - specifically dealing with a framework we suggest is beneficial to teaching creatively with technology. The overarching framework of trans-disciplinary thinking deals with meta-level cognitive skills, which are used by successful creative practitioners across different domains (Root-Bernstein, 1996; 2003; Mishra, Koehler, & Henriksen, 2011). While this framework has strong historical roots within the history of science and technology (Caper, 1996; Catterall, 2002), we bring this creative lens into modern classrooms with a 21st century focus on teaching and learning with technology. Presenters in this symposium will describe the framework, within the broader context of 21st century skills such as educational technology and creative thinking, and discuss a range of examples of ways this framework has been used by skillful, creative teachers. The presentation will conclude by describing new directions for research in this area.

Presider: Lisa Berry, Florida Virtual School


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