Add item to your planner: Scheduled Event: Keynote Solomon Arulraj David: Epistemic Engagement in Higher Education: Implications for Curriculum and Instruction in Different Modes
Nov. 2, 2022
12:45 PM-1:45 PM
ABSTRACT: Access to higher education has been expanded in recent times particularly through privatization and range of different modes of delivery. However, the epistemic access and epistemic engagement that emphasises the pursuit of authentic knowledge optimal teaching and learning experience need necessary attention. This study, therefore, aims to explore epistemic engagement in higher education and its implications for curriculum and instruction in different modes of delivery. The conceptualisation of the study was mainly grounded on William’s (2000) accessibility, Morrow’s (2007) systematic learning and Muller’s (2007) epistemic values. There is strong theoretical claim that the pursuit of authentic knowledge is adequate when epistemic access/engagement is ensured. In general, several studies confirm that the regular university programmes are more conducive for epistemic access/engagement, while distance education / online delivery have other advantages such as flexibility and affordability. It is important to acknowledge that all modes have merits and demerits. Therefore, all modes must be made available at good qualities for students to benefit from them appropriately. The study asserts that seeking staff and student’s experience and views on epistemic access/engagement would further support the understanding of user experience in higher education. BIOGRAPHY: Dr. Solomon Arulraj David is an associate professor of education at the British University in Dubai. His core research interests are comparative international higher education, educational management and policy.