Share Paper: Space Science Activities to Enhance Middle School Students’ Interest in STEM: Follow-up Assessment of Disposition Retention

  1. Gerald August Knezek, University of North Texas, United States
  2. Rhonda Christensen, Institute for the Integration of Technology into Teaching and Learning, United States
Tuesday, November 5 3:00-3:30 PM Iberville

Abstract: Sixth grade students participating in a four-hour hands-on technology enriched space science camp acquired more positive dispositions toward space science (ES = .46, p < .05), as measured by pre-camp (time 1) and post camp (time 2) assessments. Topics related to the Parker Solar Probe mission, the Apollo 11 moon mission and Mars spacecraft were taught through innovative technology experiences such as augmented reality, virtual reality, 3D printing, robotics and drones. Follow up (time 3) assessments indicated that dispositions toward space science regressed somewhat three months after the camp (ES = .18, NS) but remained significantly (p < .05) more ...