Share Paper: Going the Distance with Your Eyes on the “PRIZE”

  1. Kwesi Tandoh, Ball State University, Canada
  2. Angelia Yount, Ball State University, United States
  3. Dan Jones, Ball State University, United States
Tuesday, October 28 2:45 PM-3:05 PM Edgewood

Abstract: An increase in the number of online courses being delivered in higher education has led to increasing pressure to ensure consistency and quality as well as increase engagement and retention. It is not enough to develop an online course, and expect it to be effective. The course needs to promote rigor, engagement, accepted norms, institutional, and academic standards for success. In response to best practices online, our institute has defined quality strategies to utilize as the basic foundation for designing and developing courses online. As instructional designers and educators at Ball State University, it is imperative for us to combine ...