Share Paper: Distance Learning Platform Architecture Based on Digital Libraries

  1. Yulia A. Ostróvskaya, Universidad de las Américas Puebla, Mexico
  2. Juan Contreras-Castillo, Universidad de Colima, Mexico
  3. Luis Arturo Flores, Universidad de las Américas Puebla, Mexico
  4. Ricardo Acosta Díaz, Universidad de Colima, Mexico
Friday, October 28 11:55 AM-12:15 PM Pavillion Ballroom A

Abstract: Recently, distance learning environments are focusing in the communication student-instructor, course materials accessibility, quizzes and exams and course grading. This learning environment also contains one space in which students can interact among them and observe the current discussion of classmates, which allows a rich group dynamics that can match face-to-face. Generally, all the interaction in these group-learning spaces is asynchronous and uses discussion forums. However, the concept of distance education goes beyond the simple communication through group spaces. It is based in complex instructional design structures, adapting it to professional roles in the preparation of their learning process (Williams, 2003). ...