Wednesday, June 26
4:45 PM-5:15 PM
De Dam 1

Automatic Authentication of Students at an Interactive Learning-Video Platform

Full Paper: Practice Based ID: 54797
  1. Josef Wachtler
    Educational Technology - Graz University of Technology
  2. Marco Scherz
    Working Group Sustainable Construction Institute of Technology and Testing of Construction Materials
  3. aaa
    Martin Ebner
    Educational Technology - Graz University of Technology

Abstract: There are many reasons for the implementation of authentication on learning platforms. For instance, it is required for the teachers to identify individual students if the learning platform offers some kind of assessment. In addition, authentication is the base for a successful monitoring of the attendance of the students. Compulsory attendance is often applied because many positive effects have been reported by authors of several studies. To monitor the attendance at online videos interactive components can be applied. Another benefit of such interactive components is that they help retain the attention of the students. This study was carried out to examine how the students used a video learning platform which provides interactive components of the videos as part of a course offered at Graz University of Technology. Up until now, a major drawback of this platform has been that the students have been required to register manually on the platform. Now, students are able to use the platform without manual registration and authentication, because these steps happen automatically via the main learning platform that provides all of the course materials. Furthermore, the course design and the application of the interactive components, presenting multiple-choice questions, are evaluated. It is pointed out that the concept improves the performance of the students and equips the teacher with valuable feedback regarding the students’ interests.

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