Wednesday, June 29
11:55 AM-12:15 PM
Junior Ballroom B

Using Multimedia Solutions for Accessing the Curriculum Through a UDL Lens

Best Practices Session ID: 49388
  1. aaa
    Debra Bauder
    University of Lousiville
  2. Karen Ender
    University of Louisville

Abstract: Universal design for learning (UDL) is a conceptual framework that looks how one provides instruction for all students. At the core of UDL is the premise that the curriculum is often inaccessible. Thus, the materials and lesson that support the curriculum is not flexible, often poses barriers, and as a result prevents rather than supports optimal learning experiences. However, a stumbling block in incorporating UDL ideas what and how can they be incorporated into a teacher's pedagogy? This session will provide participants with ideas and actual means of using UDL strategies using easy to use multimedia programs that facilitate the ideals of multiple means of representation, expression and engagement.

No presider for this session.


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