Share Paper: What can your ears do? A systematic literature review regarding the role of non-speech audio

  1. Azra Tayebi , UEF , Finland
  2. Carolina Islas Sedano, UEF / Ubium , Finland
Thursday, June 26 1:30 PM-2:00 PM B3117

Abstract: This paper reports on a literature review of non-speech audio between the period of January 2000 and March 2014. The patterns which emerged from the selected publications delivered five categories with a clear focus on the research of non-speech audio. Furthermore, it is possible to detect some hitherto unattended research aspects in the area of non-speech audio, for example the use non-speech audio in the navigation of mobile devices or for the creation of game mechanics based on non-speech audio to promote communication between visual and visually impaired players. The literature review also offers evidence that the importance of non-speech ...