Share Paper: Narrowing the Distance: Bridging the Gap Between Teaching Online and Faculty Development (Thesis Summary)

  1. Beth Rochefort, Northeastern University, United States
Thursday, June 27 2:00-2:30 PM Esquimalt

Abstract: Online education has emerged as a strategic initiative in higher education, & many institutions rely on adjuncts to teach these courses. Moving to teaching online poses barriers for instructors; so transitioning to online teaching requires ongoing Faculty Professional Development (FPD). Instructional models change, technology evolves, expectations rise, & FPD is more important. This examination of FPD at NU’s College of Professional Studies (CPS) describes early efforts, identifies needs/gaps, & makes recommendations for change. It provides perspectives of three groups of stakeholders: adjunct instructors, instructional designers, & academic administrators. The key findings cover types of training, organizational communication, emergent pedagogies & ...