Friday, July 4
1:50 PM-2:10 PM
Main 14A (3rd Fl)

E-Learning Platform Adapted to Programming Teaching/Learning

Brief Paper: New Development ID: 23345
  1. Alvaro Santos
    ISEC – Engineering Institute of Coimbra – Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra & CISUC – Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra
  2. aaa
    Anabela Gomes
    ISEC – Engineering Institute of Coimbra – Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra & CISUC – Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra
  3. António Mendes
    CISUC – Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra

Abstract: Programming courses are faced with high failures rates. Many problems have already been identified and also several solutions have been proposed. However failure rates had not been effectively reduced. Several authors have developed individual solution approaches to solve particular problems, but good global results concerning heterogeneous classes have not been reached. We believe that a possible solution goes through the integration of solutions. In this paper we present an environment, which integrates different types of pedagogical approaches, resources and technologies for programming learning support. In order to simplify the student tasks, an effort will be made to avoid the use of other auxiliary tools. So, the environment will include all the essential tools for the programming learning process. Learning paths adapted to the students needs and knowledge will also be defined. The environment also integrates solutions for collaborative tasks that can improve and stimulate different models of teamwork.

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