Share Paper: Cross-cutting Themes from the Second International Handbook of Information Technology in Education: Implications for Information Technology in Teacher Education

  1. Joke Voogt, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
  2. Gerald Knezek, University of North Texas, United States
  3. Rhonda Christensen, University of North Texas, United States
  4. Kwok-Wing Lai, University of Otago, New Zealand
Wednesday, March 20 3:00 PM-4:00 PM Wilshire A

Abstract: The recently published Second International Handbook of Information Technology for Primary and Secondary education features contributions from the past decade concerning research on information technology in education from an international perspective. Several cross-cutting themes emerged from the twelve sections of the handbook, ranging from the expanding role of social media to new conceptions and new ways of assessing competencies in teaching and learning with technology. These themes will be introduced during this session by the lead editors of the Handbook, encouraging dialog among symposium participants with a focus on implications for future directions of information technology and teacher education.