Share Paper: Web conferencing with asynchronous video formative evaluations: Implications for digital storytelling, learning environments, and mobile learning.

  1. Susan Elwood, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, United States
  2. Jared Keengwe, University of North Dakota, United States
Tuesday, March 27 4:35-4:55 PM Edison G

Abstract: Building greater social presence in online learning environments continues to be an area ripe for promising practices and shared experiences in relation to the use of asynchronous and synchronous web conferencing and video commenting. Such experiential use also scaffolds the learners' social and cognitive presence toward greater abilities to interact in more real-world academic conversations. A sampling of promising practice ideas will be shared, as well as a more recent mix of three learner engagement protocols: 1) synchronous web conferencing with 2) asynchronous peer screencast responses followed by 3) a deeper interaction of specific excerpts with asynchronous learner video response.