Share Paper: Becoming a #realteacher: Making Pre-Service Teacher Identity Development Visible through Twitter

  1. Shannon Prince, Michigan State University, United States
Thursday, March 29 4:15 PM-5:15 PM Edison Ballroom D

Abstract: Teacher education has long been concerned with prospective teachers’ dispositions of social justice and teaching to students who reside in context different from their own (Avery & Walker, 1993; Gomez, 1994; Paine, 1989), or what Gomez (1994) calls “teaching other people’s children” (p 319) Since teacher education programs need to thoughtfully and consciously support developing teachers in this transformative work” (Luehmann, 2007, p 828), this study considers teacher identity development through the communal use Twitter using a common hashtag Teacher professional identity is the core of the teaching profession: This study seeks to examine how microblogging with Twitter helps pre-service ...