Share Paper: Tools and Techniques to Increase Student Engagement in Online Programs

  1. Kristi Hall, University of Cincinnati, Clermont College, United States
  2. Suguna Chundur, University of Cincinnti, Clermont College, United States
Wednesday, October 27 10:15-10:45 AM ROOM 3

Abstract: Covid-19 precipitated the move to online learning for many institutions including ours. Our open admissions institution, providing access to higher education to anyone with a high school diploma or equivalency, has additional unique challenges in delivering courses online. There are major differences in the mission and the student body of an open admission institution compared to a traditional educational institution. Instructors cannot assume that all students would possess the basic digital skills that are required for success in online classes. Yet, it is precisely such students who benefit most from the flexibility offered by online classes as most of them ...