Tuesday, June 23
4:45 PM-5:00 PM
Room 2

Positive Regard in Distance Courses

Full Paper: Live Presentation ID: 56691
  1. Joseph Harder
    Indiana State University
  2. Ayman Abuhamdieh
    Indiana State University
  3. aaa
    Peter Weber
    Fachhochschule Südwestfalen

Abstract: The present study operationalizes perceived positive affect as a practical measure which can be applied in distance delivery settings. The measure is validated by concomitantly measuring self-reported student outcomes and confirming a positive correlation. Data was collected from students at Indiana State University who had completed at least one distance course and were still enrolled at the university. An anonymous survey was sent via email to approximately 5000 students. Questions pertained to biographical items about the student, another pertained to the quality of learning, and another inquired about positive regard of the instructor as perceived by the students. Analytical methods included principal components analysis (PCA) to confirm that each group of questions was measuring a common construct, and correlation (Pearson’s r) of the constructs. The findings of the investigators were that the affect measure was valid and that it was positively correlated with student learning outcomes.

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