Tuesday, June 25
2:15-2:35 PM

The elderly and their memories: digital technologies as an inclusive possibility

Brief Paper ID: 54748
  1. aaa
    Leticia Machado
    Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) - Brazil
  2. Jozelina Mendes
    Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) - Brazil
  3. Deyse Sampaio
    Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) - Brazil
  4. Tássia Priscila Grande
    Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) - Brasil
  5. Magali Longhi
    Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) - Brasil
  6. aaa
    Patricia Behar
    Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) - Brasil

Abstract: Each year there is an increase in the number of elderly people interested in learning how to use digital technologies. In this scenario it is necessary to think more and more of educational actions that can contemplate these resources as a benefit to the aging process. Therefore, this research aims to present how digital technologies, together with education, can help the elderly to report their experiences and re-significate their memory. Thus, the present research had a qualitative-quantitative approach, of the case study type. Participants were 19 elderly people 60 years of age or older attending a digital inclusion course at a university. The research was developed in 4 stages: STAGE 1 - Theoretical reference; STEP 2 - Planning and course development Literary Memories; STAGE 3 - Data collection and analysis; STEP 4 - Presentation of results. The instruments used for the data collection were: participant observations, questionnaires and technological production (e-book). The data collected indicate that the elderly had a negative experience in the formation and development of the groups. However, the record of the memories of the elderly was very beneficial for them, because they felt valued and with the potential to contribute with their experiences as authors of digital content. Thus, education is increasingly needed if it aligns the technologies in order to find new formats and ways to "collect" the memories of these elderly people who are forgotten in their memories.

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