Share Paper: Curriculum Flexibility in a Blended Curriculum.

  1. Herma Jonker, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences and University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
  2. Virginie März, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
  3. Joke Voogt, University of Amsterdam and Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
Tuesday, June 26 12:00-12:20 PM De Wallen

Abstract: This study offers insights into processes that play a role in realizing curriculum flexibility through the implementation of a blended curriculum. Curriculum flexibility is conceptualized in terms of adaptability and accessibility to students’ needs and capabilities. In order to realize curriculum flexibility, the teacher training institution in this study designed a blended curriculum with face-to-face and online components. This flexible blended curriculum aimed at increasing student enrolment and offering variety in students’ graduation profiles. Based on an analysis of formal curriculum materials, flexibility of the intended and formal curriculum was determined. Through subsequent semi-structured interviews with ten teacher educators, fostering ...